City of Toronto | 1.5 years
I’m proud to be able to represent the Toronto Public Service and serve the People of Toronto!
I have been a professional DJ since I was 16, and I continue to DJ to this day. I also love finding new places to eat and new cuisine and spending time with my family, especially my niece and nephew.
In retirement, it’s important to be debt-free, live comfortably and not worry about finances. I want to be able to spend my free time doing the things I want to do, such as travel and continue to remain active. Peace of mind is the ultimate goal!
My pension relieves a significant burden with regards to how I save for retirement, and what I am able to focus the income I have now on. I feel very fortunate to have a great pension plan. My future plans and retirement plans are based around my current pension plan. It is central to it!
I look forward to enjoying life to the fullest with extra free time that I have. Being able to enjoy it and be free of worry and debt.
I want to check Japan off my bucket list and it’s actually happening in four weeks!!
Social Value of the Plan
The OMERS defined benefit plan isn’t just important to our members. Research confirms that the OMERS Plan generates social and economic value for communities in Ontario, underscoring the importance of preserving OMERS as a defined benefit pension plan.