Municipality of Clarington | Retired
I was the Compensation and Benefits Supervisor at the Municipality of Clarington. I was very proud of our team, because our goal was to provide exceptional customer service to our internal customers (our employees) and external customers (benefit providers, government bodies, etc.).
My goal is to keep healthy and active. If I can do this I will be very happy; however, I do have plan B if I can't be active. That is when I will learn to play the guitar, join a choir, paint, pottery, and knit. Also, I love reading.
We also volunteer at our local church. We have been on committees, help with funeral catering and special fundraising for special projects.
Without my pension to help fund our projects and activities, my fun stuff would be very limited. Also, my AVCs are doing quite well, and this provides additional security.
Social Value of the Plan
The OMERS defined benefit plan isn’t just important to our members. Research confirms that the OMERS Plan generates social and economic value for communities in Ontario, underscoring the importance of preserving OMERS as a defined benefit pension plan.