City of Mississauga | 4 years
I have been working with the City of Mississauga since September 2014. My current position allows me to experience a fast-paced work environment where I can utilize my skills and make a real contribution in the success of the organization.
I spend my spare time with family and friends, exploring new places in Ontario, eating at new restaurants, movie nights, etc.
Ideally, in retirement I will have to be able to afford a reasonable and stress-free lifestyle, where I am still contributing to the betterment of the society. I am also looking forward to owning and running my own business, travelling all over the world, and mentoring.
My pension plan will play a big factor in deciding what kind of lifestyle will I be able to afford on a fixed income.
Hopefully, one day I will be able to save enough funds and be healthy enough to travel to the base camp of Mount Everest.
Social Value of the Plan
The OMERS defined benefit plan isn’t just important to our members. Research confirms that the OMERS Plan generates social and economic value for communities in Ontario, underscoring the importance of preserving OMERS as a defined benefit pension plan.