Pierre Côté

Pierre Côté was appointed by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) to the OMERS Sponsors Corporation (SC) Board effective January 1, 2024. He serves as a member of the Corporate Governance & Risk Committee and Plan Design Committee.
Mr. Côté retired from OMERS SC as Executive Director, Strategy, Stakeholder Relations and Communications in 2022. In that role, he leveraged his extensive experience to provide the SC strategic advice on pension plan governance, stakeholder relations, communications and long-term planning.
Formerly a psychologist, he started his career at the Burritts Rapids Correctional Centre. He then joined the Conseil des écoles publiques d’Ottawa-Carleton and the Ottawa Board of Education where he also assumed leadership and bargaining responsibilities for OSSTF/FEESO bargaining units. In 1997, Mr. Côté joined the OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Office, where he held several leadership roles that were crucial to the Federation’s strategic planning, governance, political action, government relations, public relations and communication initiatives. He has extensive pension governance experience having sat on the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) Executive for more than 10 years which, with the Government of Ontario, is a partner to the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP).
Mr. Côté holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology as well as a Doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa and is a graduate of the Conference Board of Canada/DeGroote School of Business Directors College. He has also served on many Boards in an official or volunteer capacity, including: Centre d’acceuil héritage, Centre francophone de Toronto, Canadian Teachers Federation, Educators Financial Group, Ontario Teachers Federation, Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan and the United Association of Labour Educators.