OMERS Primary Plan text
Under the OMERS Act, 2006, the pension plan that was governed by the old Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act prior to June 30, 2006 was continued as the OMERS Primary Pension Plan (Primary Plan), was restated on January 1, 2011 to consolidate amendments made since June 30, 2006 and on January 1, 2014, and again on January 1, 2021, to reflect further amendments. The Primary Plan text should be viewed in conjunction with Plan change by-laws passed from time to time which will be posted here.
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By-Law No. 43 implements the expanded eligibility of Non-Full-Time employees. It is effective January 1, 2023. Approved: June 24, 2020.
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By-Law No. 46-01 extends temporary changes made in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic regarding leaves and temporary layoffs for an additional year. It is effective January 1, 2022. Approved: November 18, 2021.
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By-Law No. 46-02 changes the enrolment date for non-full-time employees who elect to enrol in the Plan. It is effective January 1, 2023. Approved: September 14, 2022.
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By-Law No. 46-03 changes the service adjustment applied to credited service when an eligible member’s normal retirement age (NRA) changes from 65 to 60 to reflect the NRA 60 early retirement benefits. It is effective June 21, 2023. Approved: June 21, 2023.
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By-Law No. 46-04 clarifies the administration of the disability waiver for new members. It is effective December 6, 2023. Approved: December 6, 2023.
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By-Law No. 46-05 preserves plan membership for existing members in certain cases when temporarily joining another employer. It is effective December 6, 2023. Approved: December 6, 2023.
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By-Law No. 46-06 adjusts the Plan's contribution rates, effective January 1, 2027. Approved June 25, 2024.
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OMERS Supplemental Plan text
The OMERS Supplemental Pension Plan for Police, Firefighters and Paramedics (Supplemental Plan) is a separately funded, stand-alone registered pension plan that offers optional benefits that are not available under the Primary Plan. The Supplemental Plan came into effect on July 1, 2008, was restated on January 1, 2011 to consolidate amendments made since July 1, 2008 and on January 1, 2014, and again on January 1, 2021, to reflect further amendments. The Supplemental Plan text should be viewed in conjunction with Plan change by-laws passed from time to time, which will be posted above.
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OMERS Retirement Compensation Arrangement
The Retirement Compensation Arrangement (RCA) for the OMERS Primary Pension Plan (Primary Plan) is a separate arrangement that provides benefits to members of the Primary Plan whose earnings exceed the benefit limits that may be provided under a registered pension plan under the Income Tax Act (ITA). The RCA was restated effective January 1, 2021 to consolidate amendments made since June 30, 2007.
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In addition, there is a by-law that pertains to the RCA Plan as follows:
By-Law No. 32 outlines changes to the OMERS Plans pertaining to contribution rates. Approved August 22, 2024. Effective date January 1, 2027
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