City of Toronto | 3.5 years
I’ve worked for the City of Toronto for over three years. I am proud to be part of the public sector and serving our taxpayers.
In my spare time, I study international affairs and global conflicts, hang out with family and friends, and watch documentaries.
In retirement, good health, mobility and financial freedom will be important to me. My pension plan will help give me financial freedom.
I look forward to ensuring my children get high education, seeing them get married and helping them buy housing in the ever-growing, expensive housing market of Toronto. I also want to travel the world, try foods of the world, and learn different food recipes – maybe open a restaurant.
It has always been my dream and aspiration to direct a feature film. I even have written a full script. Definitely will do it when I retire!
Social Value of the Plan
The OMERS defined benefit plan isn’t just important to our members. Research confirms that the OMERS Plan generates social and economic value for communities in Ontario, underscoring the importance of preserving OMERS as a defined benefit pension plan.