City of Timmins | 25 years
I love working as a registered nurse at the Golden Manor Home for the Aged. Over the years, I have gained valuable experience working with the elderly and trying to make their lives at the Manor a pleasure experience.
What makes me most proud about my work is the expertise I have gained over the years working with residents with compromised medical conditions, others with dementia, and how to effectively respond to their needs.
As retirement approaches, I look forward to having more time to take dance/cooking lessons. I would love to learn another language, such as Spanish. I feel that once retired, I will have more time to give back to the community.
I feel fortunate to know that having my OMERS pension will grant me the peace of mind to know that I will have a secure income to be able to realize my dreams/plans without having to rely solely on other savings or government pensions.
Social Value of the Plan
The OMERS defined benefit plan isn’t just important to our members. Research confirms that the OMERS Plan generates social and economic value for communities in Ontario, underscoring the importance of preserving OMERS as a defined benefit pension plan.